Moving beyond 'storytelling'
Sure, it's a buzzword, but the reason today's content providers are so focused on storytelling is because it works. OK, let's rephrase that. It works when it's done right. But what if your content provider is telling the wrong stories about you or your business? What if the ocean of text, photos, graphics, audio and video are painting your business in ineffective, uninteresting and sometimes incorrect colors? While telling stories is important, it won't do you any good if those stories are leading your audience in the wrong different direction. I’ve been working on special sections since 2001 and premium content since—well, before it was called premium content. I know that it’s important to understand the goals and needs of the client before I begin assembling content. I want to know who you are, what you're promoting and your short- and long-term goals. Then I’ll be able to craft content to best serve you. And I’m not going to ask you to answer a long questionnaire, one that you'd probably fill with cut-and-paste answers, about your latest numbers and last year's profit margins. Instead, I’d love talk to you in person—which has been redefined quite a bit—to find out what makes you and your product or service unique. I’ll then take that information and, with your guidance, create a presence that perfectly sums up you and your business.